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About the infectious Coronavirus

About the infectious Coronavirus

Please continue prevention measures!

Telephone Counseling Coronavirus


 Similar to the infection prevention measures taken for a cold or during flu season, it is important for each and every person to follow the proper coughing/sneezing etiquette and to wash their hands.

In order to protect the health and lives of Yamanashi citizens in the midst of the infectious coronavirus, we believe that it is important to prevent infection by spreading accurate information to help prevent confusion and reduce anxiety amongst the people. In the event of a patient outbreak, we will promptly provide the prefectural residents with the information necessary to prevent a spread with the latest medical insight.

 (For your reference)Coronavirus

This is a virus that has resulted in widespread infections among both humans and animals. There have been 6 known causes of infectious diseases in humans, but unlike the SARS-CoV (Serious Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus) and ERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus) infections, which can cause serious respiratory diseases, Coronavirus infection symptoms are expected to remain minor, similar to that of the common cold.


Please continue prevention measures!

The fight against Coronavirus COVID-19 is expected to continue for a long time. Even if the number of new infections continues to decrease at a downward trend if we let down our guard, it could spread exponentially once again.

Let’s continue to be vigilant and prevent the spread of the infection.

Precautions to be taken to prevent the spread of the infection


Put these three preventative basics into practice

  1. Keep 2m/6ft (or at least 1m/3ft) from other people and reduce close contact.
  2. When going out, or in a confined space make sure to wear a mask to prevent splash infection.
  3. Wash your hands (for at least 30 seconds) to prevent infection by contact.


Preventing the Spread of COVID-19


Living your daily life, conscious of infection prevention

  • Avoid: Confined spaces (with poor ventilation), Crowded places (with many people nearby), and Close contact (with people).
  • Keep places well ventilated
  • Follow coughing etiquette
  • Avoid face to face conversations as much as possible
  • Monitor your health and body temperature every morning, and stay at home if you have fever or cold like symptoms
  • Refrain from traveling between prefectures

 Telephone Counseling Coronavirus

Yamanashi Prefecture COVID-19 Coronavirus Infectious Disease Medical Examination and Consultation Center

Please contact us if you are not feeling well or are have concerns about infectious disease prevention.

Phone number:092-687-7953

Operation hours:24/7 support 


 Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultation Centers

The Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultation Centers have been established with the intention of mitigating anxieties of any potentially infected persons who don’t know what medical facilities to go to. Also, as to prevent the spread of the virus through medical institutions as much as possible.

Those who fulfill the criteria suspecting them of the coronavirus will be directed to a dedicated specialist. Please refer to the list below to contact your nearest consultation center.

 [List of Returnee / Exposed Persons Consultation Centers ]

Name;  title

Phone  no.

Region  of Jursidiction

Chuhoku Health Center(Regional Health Division)


Kai-shi、Chuo-shi、Shouwa-cho、Nirasaki-shi、Minami Alps-shi、Hokuto-shi

Kyotoh Health Center(Regional Health Division)



Kyonan Health Center(Regional Health Division)



Yamanashiken Fujitobu Health Center(Regional Health Division)




Kofu-shi  Health Center(Medical  Infectious Diseases Division)



 During nights and holidays, an emergency contact number will be left as via voicemail. 


住所:〒400-8501 甲府市丸の内1-6-1
電話番号:055(223)1435   ファクス番号:055(223)1516




